A #PitchWars Inbox Breakdown Part II: Now With Extra Screaming

Yesterday I wrote a post detailing my process for sifting through the slush in my #PitchWars inbox. It focused on many of the common mistakes I saw that put me off an entry. Today, I'm flipping the script and want to gush about some of the elements of entries that made me sit up and … Continue reading A #PitchWars Inbox Breakdown Part II: Now With Extra Screaming

A #PitchWars Inbox Breakdown: Thoughts and Infinite Screaming

The Pitch Wars submission window has come and gone! Now, two things occur: Hopefuls attempt to summon requests through sheer force of will, and mentors read. Forever. (Seriously, so much reading. SO MUCH!) 3456 writers lobbed their words into the void. Of those, 1402 are adult. Of those, 267 sent their word-babies to Laura and … Continue reading A #PitchWars Inbox Breakdown: Thoughts and Infinite Screaming